Tuesday, January 13, 2009

If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you

I procrastinate a lot, I can say that without a hint of doubt, but I know my limits.

I stress myself out all the time, but I can work under stress just give me that 10 minutes or 1 hour to cool down.

I always learn things the hard way, never the easy, never the soft way.

The more i want to let go, the more it comes back to haunt me. I wish that I had a remote control to life I could just press the pause button and hold everything even just for an hour or two.

I just feel so tired, emotionally and physically these days. I don’t even make the effort to explain how I am feeling. Except to that few…

Thank you for letting me unload my burden on you. For just listening to me, even if your advices won’t work the way you think they would. *grins* Thank you  for being you and for being there when I needed someone to talk to.

It’s the week of IR day, have you bought your tickets yet?

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