Thursday, May 31, 2007

Summer Splash

Seventeen's Summer Splash and Summer Hunks 2007 event is happening on Saturday, June 9, 2007, at the Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach, from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Door will open at 12 noon. Enter via Escalator Walkway, between Pyramid Tower and Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel.
The event is hosted by Ean and Azura of, and there will be performances by One Buck Short, Tricky Tongue, Aunty Mable’s and Ghetto Republic.
Don’t miss out our 10 Hot Summer Hunks finalists strutting their stuff on the catwalk and fight it out for the ultimate title. More than 1,000 goodie bags awaits early birds.
Entry is by invitations only, so check out Seventeen’s June 2007 issue today for more info.
This event is brought to you by Seventeen Malaysia, Quiksilver, Roxy, Sunplay, Oxy and Sasa.

Got tickets to give out!!

First come first served!!

Money minded freak!!

She's a freaking money minded freak man!!
I am toking to her about what happened during camp
and all she could ask about was

Did they give any free samples?
Did u win the games?
What were the prizes?
What other discount vouchers did they have?

Deng man!!
Can't u care about what's going on other than money??
If people shouted the sky is falling..
I bet the first freaking thing u think of is
*My money!!*

Cameron Highlands...

It's gonna be a boring trip to Cameron highlands..
We'll be going to see the tea factory
*whopee!!* (sacarsm)

Strawberry farm!!

The vegetable farm, cactus farm..
The usual larr...

I told my sister we will be staying in a hotel..
Obviously a 4 year old little kiddie dunno how's the weather in CH..

*jie jie, can go swimming?*

Yeah.. Go swimming and freeze till death!
You can't even come out of a shower without feeling the chills in your bone..

Well, that's the last time I went to CH
Maybe due to global warming
It won't be that bad after all...

So it means..

unless someone happens to bring a computer with a internet connection..

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


If u found this link.. can u please don't put a direct link to this blog.?

The Most Kill-able AWARD goes to!!


Oh my gawd!!
That's me!!
First I would like to thank me myself and I!!

Sorry to say as much killable am I..
You'll have to wait in line..
There are plenty of ppl who're ready to prick me with a needle and let me bleed till I die..

  1. Me
  2. Myself
  3. I
  4. My mum
  5. My dad
  6. Pei yeen
  7. Ee Mun
  8. Yan Leng (forgotten why but ya)
  9. Harpreet
  10. V-ki

So if u reli want to murder me..

PLease leave a msg on the chatbox and i'll add ur name onto my already long list!!

Haha... XD

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Met ALIF from one in a million.. JoJo from pillow talk!!
Took pics with them!!
Got Autographs..
Further updates wait till I finish taking my beauty sleep first..

Friday, May 25, 2007

Teacher's day!!

Pictures pictures and more pictures!!
Can watch sunrise!!

Wah ~ !

Carnation flower for Pauline!

Peck Hwa dreaming away ...
*Why did come to school today?*

Me : Hey pei yeen.. got leng chai!!
PY : What? Where?

Far away and dreaming...

The person sitting in front of me..

Aiyo.. PEI YEEN.. Jangan malu lar..

Hong Ling : Eh.. Don' L*snaps* arr
Me : XP too late!
What were they doing?
Discussing about exam papers or project??
Either way..
STill Freaks
V-Ki : Wei, don't larr.. Lynnette.. I'm gonna kill you!!
*scratch scratch*
Water Bottle..
Cheryl's one..
I think
Me : Wei, Ee Mun!
EM : Huh??
Bunnie says hi!
Quite a lot of students actually turned up!
Yan Leng's 'Kau terlalu Istimewa"
So.. So... So.. So..
Horr horr.. bring handphone arr..
Naughty naughty..
SL : Siu mui mui.. lei larr.. ngoh tai lei hei hang kai..
tepuk sebelah tangan..
yat siong ching yun..


I have just been banned from going online..
My mum just came out of the room..
She saw me online-ing..

You no need to study arr?
(nods head) Em..
PMR countdown how many days liao u noe or not?
129 days..
Ah.. Then.. You one day do one latihan also not enough larr.. You only can do
129 latihans..
So when you going to study?
What do you mean you dunno? Okay from now on.. I want 3 latihans from you everyday..
Going to ask papa to lock his computer and the internet connection..
*stunned* em..
I don't care... no latihan then no allowance..
*double stunned*
Don't look at me liddat.. IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!

Sobs sobs..
No more computer..
3 latihans per day...
Sob sobs...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Trip to one u...

So long didn't go liao..
Quite some changes in the places there...
but haha... still had fun...

Bought some stuffs..
Farnie things happened..
yada yada yada...

Bought two bouquets of flower for Pn. Anisha and anothe for Pn.Tan W.S.
It's like a big bouquet of flowers and there's TEN FERRERO ROCHEs [not sure of spelling] in the middle... Wait.. Let me show u a picture..

Cool right??

Go get one from Serena's mum's flower shop...



helping u promote arr...

My two darling turtles...

Today right..

2 very siao PENGAWAS..

go bully me..


Lazy to type out...

MSN me if u want to know..


bet u are unintrested..

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I got tagged??

- water bottle
- pencil case
- books
- papers
- paper clips

- money
- IC
- membership cards
- pictures
- coins

- my bed
- my computer
- my closet
- my radio
- my bookshelf

- clean my room (don't blame me cause my room is so messy)
- earn tons of money and be a millionaire.. no wait.. a kazillionairre... tee hee.. XD
- live in my own bungalow
- Get kate moss's closet..
- Jump out of an aeroplane and fly without wings while singing the song " I'm flying without wings" ... No.. I'm not suicidal..

- Blogging
- Taking random pics of stuffs
- the word "Oh gawd!"
- Laughing
- Insane-ing

- Peck Hwa
- Ee Mun
- Pei Yeen
- Jen kai-
- Briana Leong!!

Yes!! The exams are OVER..

I mean O to the V to ER..
oh yeah.. uh huh..
We went crazy..
at McDs!!

The ways people release stress..
So weird..

The unfinished fries..

Peck hwa.. didn't ur mother tell you not to bite the straw??
tsk tsk

Serena : Faster take the pic. He's hawt!

*Ahem ahem*

Peck Hwa : Honey, don't miss me!!

Yan leng : Don't touch my lou gong!!

Actually there are lots more pictures...

but my camera went nutcase and the picture dunno go where liao..

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lemon tree

I'm standing here in this crowded hall
I'm standing here I'm singing this song
All about the wonders I have heard
All about them..
oh, dear teachers..

Too much to learn
Too little time
U're cramming, cramming, cramming them into my mind
What can I say than those three words
Oh, Dear Teacher...
Happy Teacher's day..

What u've taught
What I've leart
Yesterday u told all about the world
but all that I can see
It's just another textbook..

Ba dum dum dum..

I'm turning the book
Round and round
I'm turning turning turning my book upside down
but all that I can see is still another textbook

Ponteng class
I know that's not good for me
I know I'm gonna get another one!


Words are very important..
and how u put it reli plays an very important role..
If u are talking to someone as blur as me...
better make sure u say it correctly..

Situation 1

SM talking to V-Ki
SM : (talking reli fast) 我还没交我的三令吉班费 (ban fei)...

As I was quite "engrossed" in figuring out some stuffs..
What i mis-interpreted was..

SM :(talking veli fast) 我还没交我的三令吉 boyfriend!
Me : (Laughing) U haven't give V-Ki ur RM3 boyfriend?!

And sometimes ..
You can twist the sentence and turn it into something different...
Very different...

Situation 2

YL and ZS were talking about tuitions..

YL : 一个月补习付多少?
(How much u pay per month for the tuition?)
ZS : 我自己也不知道我自己一个月多少...
(I also don't how much i cost per month)
*direct translate*

*people ask you how much the tuition fees larr.. not ask you how much u cost..*
卖身 meh??

And you know what.. I'm not the only blur case here...
Me and YL laughing like mad there...
V-ki comes in and asks what we two laughing about..
*Tries to pause laughter and told her what happened...*
She still didn't get it..
So i ask her...

Me : 你一个月多少??
(how much u cost per mth...)
V-ki : (matter-of-factly) RM 50 larr!!

U can see two people rolling on the floor laughing...
even ZS who said it noes that he said it wrongly and was laughing...

of course...
They're some people who have hearing problems..
End this post with something classic...

"Yan leng!! Tomorrow KH sure got a lot of pressure one.."

What Yan leng heard :" Yan leng!! Tomorrow KH sure got a lot of PRESENTS one.."

Monday, May 21, 2007

Finding myself..


I am gonna fail my MATHS paper 1!!!!!
As hard as the paper is...
Too some people it was just a breeze..
"the person" fell asleep just after one period..
I had no idea how to do the questions!!
Oh gawd!!

*drum rolls*
"Couple of the week goes to..."
Panda and Doraemon!!


YL : what do you do with a glue?
Panda and doraemon : Stick things?
YL : Yeah, sticking two hearts together..

We have our own personal CCTV in our class..
but the CCTV only focus on one particular person...
*winks winks*
Don't you just wonder who??
Curiousity killed the cat!!
Don't keep on wondering kayz..

Moral paper is so...
not easy??
Pn. X: "Girl, why you so happy??"
Me : *trying not to laugh* (shrugs my shoulder)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Don't mess with me!

Or should I say my cousie bro...

PunkS Love McD too...

I am bored
Sorry Peckie..

Another case of


Da Da Da Da
The smell of your skin lingers on me now
Your probably on your flight back to your home town
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
To be with myself instead of calamityPeace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But Ive got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cryDon't cryDon't cry
The path that I'm walking
I must go alone
I must take the baby steps until I'm full grown
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
Ill be your best friend and you'll be mineValentine
Yes you can hold my hand if u want to
Cause I want to hold yours too
Well be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But its time for me to go home
Its getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself instead of calamity
Peace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cryDon't cryDon't cry
La Da Da Da Da Da
Got hooked on the song..

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Now showing

What happened when the PMR's are just 134 days away and the students are having their mid-term exams...

The de-stressing chocolate chunk+cinammon cookies...

Mmmmm... Irresistable!!

Not really that messy...
If you could zoom in and see..
that's my sejarah paper and I marked it already!!

MY "study table" ... but can't really use it as it is covered with books..
Oh ya.. I have another table...

Okay.. I'll just dump the books that I'm not using on the floor..
and stack them up..

My form 1 and form 2 notes!!
Binded them together..

What kept me from sleeping!!

Thank gawd they're sugar-free!!

Can't wait for the girl power camp!!

Why oh why must there be a dinner party??
