Friday, September 12, 2008

How ironic!

I didn't even apply for the scholarship.

Dear Ms OON Lynnette Yi-qian,

Thank you for your application for a Scholarship to the Young Leaders Summer School December 2008. We had a difficult task assessing the scholarship applications, as the number of applicants - and their calibre - was very high.

Unfortunately, it has not been possible to offer all applicants scholarships, and I'm afraid your scholarship application was not successful.

We hope you are still excited about coming to Summer School - we are looking forward to welcoming you to Trinity.

Yours sincerely

Cate Elsworth

See the new name down there...
Vincent Ramos is no longer the head...
Awww... sadnya.. XP

My ass larr..
Want me to go to Trinity SS??
It's like asking me to throw RM10,000 into the sea!

Okay.. maybe not that bad.
Why be the fox who couldnt reach the grapes?
SO EXP! They increased the pricing.. BLUEKZ

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