Sunday, February 3, 2008

Beat the undermine

The following article is adapted from seventeen mag
I just felt like I shud share this with you guys

This teacher you how to defend yourself

Firstly, underminer is someone who
Act like your friend but makes you feel bad.

How to spot her?
She seems to get the joy out of getting you down

Telltale signs...
She's the type of person who can twist any conversation
around so she seems prettier, smarter or just plain better
than you. She's sneaky so you might not even notice she's
doing it. She'll make it sound like she's giving you a
compliment, but she'll slip in an insult too, usually about a
sore spot. Classic example "I love your miniskirt. I could
never pull off stuff from last season like you." Another clue
More often than not, hanging around her makes you feel
crappy about yourself.

She may secretly be INSECURE and cutting you down makes
her feel superior. Crazy at it may seem, she's actually trying to
win your respect - he thinks bashing you will make you want
her approval.

Call her out on it!
The next time she compares herself ith you, say.
"I didn't think we were competing, but you're right, your cell
phone is way cooler than mine." If she doesn't realize she's being
catty. that could shake her out of it; if she's doing it on purpose,
acting like you couldn't care less drain the twisted pleasure she

Be a good friend...
She'll be less motivated to pick you apart if she's feeling happy with
herself. So try spreading "positive gossips", like the fact that she scored
the winning goal or aced a test.

Distance yourself
If the put-downs don't stop, you're not doing yourself any favors
by hanging out with her. Try cutting back some time you spend with
her - talk on the phone less and make more plans with NICER friends.
When she sees you're over her rudeness, it MIGHT inspire her
to change for ther better.... or worse

There are friends like this in the world.
So you should just beware of who you hang out with
Try to keep more positive friends
They'll make you feel positive too
Vice versa..
If you hang out with negative friends
You'll be feeling negative all the time

You get the rough idea, no?

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