Thursday, October 18, 2007

Test Session

Yippee dee doo dah
Yipee dee day

I pass 5 more jaya test today
left 6/7 more to go
and I am done with jaya

but I have 28 more maju and usaha tests
not to mention the mini badges

I reallly hope I can finish everything in time

So.. wish me luck..
pray for me
or whatever it's that you do
to help me pass my tests


Look at this convo
"What Malaysia's National Flower?"
"Are you sure?"
"No.. wait.. Sorry miss. It's Hibiscus"
"No larr miss.. correct what...It's Rafflesia."
The one in Italic is ur very smart
Lee Horng Qing
Oh ya...
One thing more
Did you know?
Korea uses Hibiscus as their national flower...
Well.. maybe u do
but I didn't!

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