Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day

About the enviroment...

Haihzz.. Isn't it depressing to see the weather getting hotter and hotter every single day?
Yeah.. U can definately just reach out for the remote control
Press the button and instant coolness
Just by doing that.
You have just indirectly caused the increase of tempreture on earth.
Yeah yeah.. I do that too at times.
Of course what's running through my head is
"Well, one little air cond can't make much difference right?"
But if a hundred of people thought the same way
It would be a big amount wouldn't it?

Or.. How many of you have never thrown rubbish out the car window?
Once counts...
Or even looking at your friends & family do that..
That counts too.
It's not like if you don't throw the rubbish at that moment
the rubbish will disappear into thin air right? *I hope so..*

If they could..
We wouldn't have a mountain load of rubbish

Take a look in the next drain you walk by
the ones by the roadside
aren't they just clogged up with rubbish?
That's the reason for all the flash floods
U could maybe lose a few calories by walking to the nearest rubbish bin and throwing that piece of whatever rubbish you were holding...

Well... I am done...
And I am proud to say that I am not sitting in an air conditioned room now
Just living by a fan..
What about you??
Isn't it time you did a little somthing for mother earth??

This sounds like an cheesy advertisement...

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