Sunday, August 2, 2009

I’m only me when I’m with you

This week has been fantastic for me.

you know why?

Half you readers out there should already know why.

Number One:

I managed to score myself some tickets to MTV WORLD STAGE.
Which is happening on the 15th of August 2009
@ Sunway Lagoon!

Thank you Junk Online! :)

Number Two:

If you remember a few post ago,
I’d mentioned about a HELP Psychology Challenge.
Not only did I managed to get into the Grand Finals.

I walked away with the Third Prize with is a partial scholarship!

Lady–in-charge : So you three stay in this room and prepare your speech.

The two of them proceeded to take out their cue cards. I stoned.

Me : You guys prepared the speech already?!

Well, I never thought I would win so I didn’t prepare my speech.
Ended up with just a Third Prize.
Good enough for me. =)

Here’s a cover Me, Mel and Bree did just now.

1 comment:

Antithesis said...

you're so lucky, rite?