Monday, August 24, 2009

Bengkel @ SDC

Mei Yin picked me up at 7.30 a.m and we headed to SDC.
Upon arriving, had to complete the standard procedures and waited till nine am.


The talk was about all the essential parts of the engine.
You can imagine just how boring that was.


Not to mention some stupid idiot behind me.
Keeps shaking his damn leg and making my whole chair vibrate.


Damn annoying!


The only thing that kept me up was Mei Yin’s Ipod.
Mei Yin and Eugene were fast asleep half an hour into the talk.
I was barely listening to what the guy was talking about.


SO after that was the Amali.
Me and Eugene got into the same group.
Lucky us, it was just two people so we could drive longer.


She even brought us up the exam slopes.
We each drove like around 5 – 6 rounds.


When I was driving..

*brings car up the slope*

*car reaches the top*

*slides backwards*



I braked in the middle of the slope.
I think I nearly gave Eugene a heart attack.

I looked at the back, there was a car there.
I turned to look at the instructor, she was on the phone.
Basically, I was stuck in the middle of the slope for some time.
Luckily she got off the phone pretty soon.


I also realized that when you are the driver and you accelerate,
You don’t really feel the speed.  Only when you’re a backseat passenger, you feel it.


Driving is really damn fun.
Can’t wait for the lessons. :)

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