Saturday, September 8, 2007

Typical Lame Joke day (part 2)

Here are the riddles..

  1. How do you avoid falling hair?
  2. Why can't you take picture of an Indian lady with curlers?
  3. Imagine you're in a sinking ship, there are hungry sharks around you. How do you survive?
  4. Take out one letter, I am still unchanged. Take out 2 letters, I am still unchanged. Take out 3 letters, I am still unchanged. What am I?
  5. A man and his son came back from a basketball game. On the way home, they were involved in an accident. The man was sent into the emergency room and the boy was sent into the operation room. The surgeon walks in and take a look and says "I can't operate him, he's my son." How is that possible?
  6. 2 people(A & B) who have never seen each other went for a drink and traders hotel. After a few drinks, they found out that A is the father of B's son. How is that possible?
  7. A snail is at a bottom of a DRY 30m well. It goes up 3m everyday and falls back 2m everyday. How long doea it take for it to go up? (It does go up)
  8. A lady went to a hardware store for somethings for her house. the shop keeper says "One is for RM12, 44 is for RM24, 144 is for RM36." What's the thing the woman bought?
  9. A girl hanged herself in an empty room. There's a puddle of water beneath her. How did she hang herself?
  10. The person who makes it doesn't want it, The person who buys it doesn't need it. the person who uses it doesn't see it. What is it?

If u knwo the answer.. Don't say. Leave the answer in the comment box.. Or in the cbox

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