Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Life has been one big whirl wind for the past few days. Been up, over and under. College life is starting to pick up it’s pace (especially the teachers with the assignments). Tumblr_l51rvtd8xg1qcyooho1_400_large

Dreams. What is worth the fight and what is not? Who gets to determine that? I guess it’s really no one but you. But what happens when you get tired of chasing that dream you’ve wanted so badly. You just feel like everything has went out of control and you feel like you’ve lost control over your life, goals and dreams. Everything you’ve worked for from the start has just pummeled down into the drain alongside with all your hopes. Would you at that time say you’ve never regretted reaching or fighting for it?

Sometime along the way, after fighting so hard. I do not remember why or what I was fighting so hard for. I’ve came to a realization that chasing after a dream may mean sacrificing alot of other things I love. Things I shall never know I’ve missed because I wasn’t there to experience it. Things I know I may regret but I have to forsake it for this dream I dream of.

When you wake up from this dream, what do you actually see? Is it really how you planned it to be? What if it doesn’t turn out the way you expect it to be, what should you do then? It had never really occur to me what would I do if my plans for my future just didn’t work out the way I planned it to be. I’ve never saw the bigger picture. Scratch that.

In my vision, I see a straight road. Just a stretch of straight wide road. No bumps, no traffic lights, no pothole, no road blocks, no speed limits. Then it dawned to me, how was the vision I had so perfect yet I claim to be a realistic dreamer? My conscious told me the road wouldn’t be easy to walk. Somehow, in my brain I managed to convince myself no matter how hard it was going to be, I’ll overcome the obstacle. I was so convinced that I managed to erase them out of the picture.



1 comment:

Bree Anna said...

Trust your instincts. People always regret the things they did not do rather then the ones they did.