Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy V Day!

It was sitting in among all the rest. Waiting for its fate. A sharp pain shot through it. A smile in its heart. It entered a dark container placed by the pair of gentle hands. Careful as not to hurt it anymore. It smiled a gentle smile. It was surrounded by darkness. It was lifted up by another pair of hands. It was as gentle as the one before. Carefully removing the ugly parts of it and making it as pretty as it could be. A soft blanket was wrapped around it. It was surrounded by others but it remained the prettiest in the centre. It was admired by many. Placed in a vase in a not so gentle movement. At that moment, it realized that everything was over. It's beauty will soon fade as the first of it's petals slowly floated onto the table top.

Been so long since I had the access to a good connection and be able to blog like this. Since it's V day, I guess I should blog about something related to it. At a house party now, so tired after school. Adults playing in between again... don't they ever get bored?

Yesterday, helped out in Serena's mum's flower shop. Surrounded by all the flowers, the feeling is just so comforting. Watching guys walk in and out getting flowers for their loved ones. There are those who walks in with confidence and picks out the bouquet from the flower to the wrapping. Each to the liking of the girl. There are also those who walks in and asks for pre-packaged ones. Not to forget, the 99 roses one.

We also did a little delivery for those lucky girls who's faces lits up with a big smile as the flower arrives. All her friends staring at her in awe, her face glowing with happiness. It's enough to make you feel warm from knowing you have made someone's day a lot better.

SO Happy V Day guys! =)

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