We had to promote this new brand

Made from 100% REAL fruit!
No preservative!
No artificial flavoring!
Low in water content!
It's only RM20 for a box of 12!
We had to repeat this to every person
Every guy/girl/aunty/uncle...
All only wanna CS dun wanna buy at all.
We were all so bored cause nobody there
So we decided to make up advertisements.
Helmond is not the only thing
But the BEST thing!
Totally out of the blue..
I started to sing the song
"What I've been looking for.."
We managed to make this damn lame ad
We went to this place called PASTAMANIA!
Like seriously.. their pasta SUCKS
But their potato salad is HEAVENLY!
I got so fed up with my aglio olio.
Even our canteen's spaghetti tastes better
I proceeded to pick up the bottle of cheese
Poured like a quarter of bottle over the spag
My god!
It tasted so much better!!
The added some salt into it.
Added more cheese sprinkles.
Best spag in the world...
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