since the last campfire I've attended.
Stuck with Melinda all the way through it.
Got there and around 6.45pm
Got my ticket in..
The me and mel mel started campwhorin
Finally it was time to go in..
All of the scouts had to pass this gadget.
Whereas... I had to walk a longer way
"We pay RM5 to walk this thing okay!"- melinda
- referring to the RM5 every scout had to pay-
Then there was this HUMANGOUS banner there.
Then eff-ing kao big..
Our troop's girlguides were there too.. XD
The they played some coke game
Where you had to kneeel down and drink.
The catch is no using hands to assist.
There was this girl from KJ..
Fuiyoh.. DAmn kao geng wei!
One gulp finish the half a bottle.
The there was this family game
Where they had to use only their mouth
And bite the cup to transfer the water
Refreshment time!
Had to walk pass this damn dark space.
Took a picture of their bon fire.
The SI's refreshments were in the old hall.
Guess who I saw?! - Hanisa and Su wen!
The food there was really like special wei.
Fried bee hoon, rice, curry chicken, satay and cincau
I grabbed a cup of cincau and ran back upstairs.
"OMG, look at this girl. She's eating OUR RM5" - Mel
They only had a sandwich and a can of milo.
Which was quite good actually..
I rather the milo than the cincau.. XP
The after the refreshments, they played love tunnel
-sorry chon giap, wasn't in sporting mood so didn't play with you..
See... melinda kao zai orr.. XD As usual.. being the youngest.
Melinda kena me and yoke yee tease AGAIN!
We talked about her orgasms pictures SO LOUD.
The she went to sit nx to her sir. "you're my invisible wall okay?" - melinda
Then the weird girl started talking to the wall.
What a weird weird girl right?
Shit, I need to go to toilet.
Then go larr!
Boy school got girls toilet meh?
Overall it was a fun night,
There was this KJ boy.. damn cute..
Their cheers also damn kao cute
左手 右手
拍拍 拍拍拍 拍拍拍拍 拍手
Then the SAS and KJ started cheer fighting
They were like boo-ing each other and cheering
Trying to win the other team..
The MC had t stop the "fight"
Then the boy from KJ turned around and went
"Mah- hai!"
It was damn hilarios at the moment wei.
To end this post..
I'll end with something classical from
Melinda Lee Su-En
"Why no girls in the sketch one arr?" - melinda
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