Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday = busiest day of the week

Sunday is normally the day where people relax and just chill out. When Sunday is family day, it means out the whole day. Tiring. Actually more like tiring for my little sister as she has swimming class and Sunday School…

Helped send sister off to her Sunday School and went home to bake another batch of brownies for sue san. Managed to get there just on time to pass her the brownies which was kinda sweet  very sweet. =p


Chewy on the outside, fudgey on the inside.
Just the way I like ‘em.

I’ll bring some to school tmr. =)

even when I’m not giving enough
and I’ve taken too much,

you’re still there for me.

even when I’ve nothing at all,
and I’m ready to fall,
you’re still there for me.


*psst… editted

To another person I forgot to include in my previous post. Sorrryyyyy….

Hvey Jci – 2nd February ….
The girl with the fetish for the awesomest colour in the world – purple. The only person who showed me a little sympathy. muax muax.. =)


1 comment:

Jci said...

i *heart* u alot!!! n ur brownies are crunchy on the surface!! love them!