Saturday, August 9, 2008

On hanging and jumping

The title suggest that I am going to talk about suicide today.
No, I am not suicidal. I am just going to talk about it.

A lot of teens who suffers from
depression wants to kill themselves.

They think they have unsolvable problems.
They think nobody can help them anymore.
They think life has no meaning anymore.
They also think that suicide is the best way out.

These are VERY wrong thoughts.
Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
They just feel like escaping for the cold world.
The hard cold reality out there.

What they don't think about is.
How selfish they are. How inconsiderate they are.

Imagine a guy killing himself over a breakup,
The girl would most probably live in guilt for eternity.
Vice versa.

What about the parents?
The parents who lost their kids.
They will blame themselves for not stopping it.
They will blame themselves for not noticing it.

And is this how you thanks your mum?
She went through the tough 9 months.
The painful laboring.
She woke up in the middle of the night to tend you.
She who put so much of her time into you.

People with symptoms of suicide :
  • talking about suicide or death in general
  • talking about "going away"
  • referring to things they "won't be needing," and giving away possessions
  • talking about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
  • pulling away from friends or family and losing the desire to go out
  • having no desire to take part in favorite things or activities
  • having trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
  • experiencing changes in eating or sleeping habits
  • engaging in self-destructive behavior
If you know someone who has these symptoms,
Advise them to see someone for help
It's not normal for someone to act like this.

Don't say... "it'll be pass..."
Don't think... "he/she wouldn't dare.."

I'd have to say
I rather safe than sorry.
The best you can help the person is to listen.
Let them vent out their anger and problems.

By the time they're done,
They should at least feel a little better
And may reconsider the beauty of life.

I for on thing will enjoy life.
As sucky as it may seem at times.
Life is precious and only come once..

Live life,

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