Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hectic Day In School

Another one of those running around days,
Had to give out pictures to everyone.
Before that, we had to identify each club/class.
Which was a torturous thing to do and really count on guessing.

But got to skip two periods of moral.
And one and a half period of chemistry.
Was planning not to enter class as to not see
My disasterous results, but had to enter anyway.

Then, after school was the BOD meeting.
We had to plan the whole yearly planner.
At least now, we have a rough idea what to do.

Then, hell ruled over.
I gave out the pictures to the afternoon session.
In the morning,
It was tough enoug with 4 people.
It's just me and myself.

I have gotta thank PN.TAN WS
She's darn helpful.
She actually went through every pic
Told me who to look for and from what class.
SAved my life, time and energy.

I am officially hooked on Jodi Picoult's book.
The Pact is a damn nice story.

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