Friday, May 23, 2008

Tagged again by Hazelll

15 RANDOM Things About Me
RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs!

1. I like to bath in the middle of the night.
What?! The weather gets hot sometimes.. U can't exactly sleep when you're all sweaty right? So of course go take a bath lorr...

2. I HATE half-boiled eggs!
yeah.. i hate the taste of half boiled eggs. I mean they are like half cooked..

3. I love the rain!
It's cooling and soothing.. Especially when it hits your skin.

4. I get very random when I get nervous..
I will start pitching in very random thoughts when I get scared/nervous.

5. I procrastinate A LOT!
yeah.. I guess that's a very common problem..

6. I write song lyrics...
I just take tunes from chinese songs and inserts lyrics..

7. I have NO sense of directions..
well.. I guess that's a well known fact right?? XP

8. I cannot stand perfumed stuffs.
they make my stomach lurch and give me a bad stomach ache.

9. I do not like dogs.
Not the big ones at least.. The small ones are okay..

10. I stress out A LOT!
people think I actually enjoy it.. I am not so sure though.

11. I get worried over the littlest things.
Yupx... I get crazily worried about things I shud not worry about..

12. I make up funny words.
i can't exactly list them out now.. you will just have to find out yourself.

13. I can differentiate music genres.
so SUE ME!

14. I crave for the funniest things at the weirdest time.
Example, craving for ice cream when I am freezing cold.

15. I bake to destress..
I tend to think of baking as a way to de-stress myself.

I tag: Yan leng, yee hua, su zen, may, neeraj, briana, melinda, charmaine, yoke yee, aveline

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