How I wish there was such a button I could press...
Screw Exams!
Haihz... I finished copying notes for physics...
Now trying VERY hard to memorize the whole freaking thing

Yupz... I am one TOUGH cookie... NOT
After this Exam.. LOG BOOKS...
Urgh... the WHOLE pile of them...
I just remembered... Jayadiri log dued TODAY
The picture says it all...

I am not gonna rant about this terms exam too much
As I know the harder ones are yet to come.
Really have to get the good results this term
To get the summer school scholarship.
It's not like I can just submit my PMR results right?
Hah... If I do.. Like I am even gonna get shortlisted.
So.. Not choice lorr... People like me so unlucky marr
So have to work harder lorr to achieve what I want

It's not like I wanted my life to be liddat
I guess it's just that I am UNLUCKY
It's just etched onto my palms that it's gonna be liddat
Without the scholarship... I dunno how to go...

I know...
Studying is only ONE chapter of your like...
But it's one BIG and VERY important chapter of your life
Some say "Live life like it is. Enjoy it now."
How to enjoy it when the stress are piling in like crazy?

hehehe this is briana here
hehehehe bye bye
Okayz... that was totally random..
I check my sms for awhile and she ruins my post..
Back to main subject...
Everywhere you turn... There IS stress
I mean.. what has NO stress?
Currently... I have
Laugh lesser, Lame-d lesser
Emo-d more, stress-ed more
I getting really really tired...
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