Thursday, January 3, 2008

School blues

karya of me, pei yeen, ee mun, tri-xha

Yeah... kinda pissed off at first... XD
Haha... XD
Yipee... All As

A for seni? Wow.... haha.. XD

4 Jati
Remember that!
Cause this girl has been randomly thrown into it
Just kidding!

Got 2 posts
ketua kelas/ketua keceriaan
It seems that Pn.Wong really loves me so

Oh... and
Pei Yeen got a new nickname
She's now

Penny Chia Pei Yeen
Tong sampah kicker
*inside joke*

Everybody seems to be unhappy with their class
Everybody have been seperated from their friends
At least I still have

Ee Mun [who desperately wanna go keledang]
Pei Yeen [cengal wanna-be]

But other than them
It's pratically people that I know
But I do not know know them
I still miss 3 dahlia
The original one
I dunno how am I gonna survive in this class for 2 years?
2 whole years with the same bunch
I mean.. it's not the worst class to be in
But I would like it better if there were more friends with me
As in people that I know better

The teacher did an intro for our BM paper
I am now officially

NO.. I am not in sports day marching
My tuition scedule is killing me
I even have tuitions on Saturdays
Sorry... but i do not have the time
And neither do I have the energy
And my mum is currently PMS-ing every single day
My apologies...
I wish you guys all the best!!

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