I am really going crazy blogging
I blog almost 2-3 times PER DAY
I guess I need to get a life...
I am freaking bored
I can't even practice playing the guitar
'cause I dun even know how to play
So I just web-surfed the whole day
Joined two different website today
One was some youth search blogging thingy
Another one was... something bout blogging too larr
Both also got from the nuffnang ad
Haha.. XD
A brand new year is coming
I just went to register all my tuitions
Yupz... My week is definately packed
Monday - Sejarah, physics
Tuesday - Leo, Kumon, Chemistry
Wednesday - Scouts, Biology
Thursday - English lit?
Friday - Chinese extra classes, Kumon
Saturday - Accounts and Add Maths
Sunday - Guitar?
Now I am still searching for English lit. classes
Anybody know where to get?
If I can't find then I have to give up liao
And I don't wanna give it up
I just found out where to take lessons
BUT it's so damn freaking far away
My mum will defnately not fetch me there
I go SS2 tuition also kena marah liao
Go kepong/Klang summore
Sure *cuts throat*
Will I have to give up my english lit. dream?
I hope not...
Everybody's telling me that it's damn freaking hard
Yeah... I know
But I am intrested arr...
If u ppl out there know right
please tell me... XD
Haihz... 2008 coming liao
This year must make new year resolutions
And have to stick to it
Cannot like this year XD
- Must study harder cannot so slacky
- Pay more attention during tuition
- Don't be too involve in koko b4 exams
- Must pratice playing guitar
- Spend lesser time online [but i will nvr let my blog die]
- Must save money... must spend lesser
- I strictly forbid myself to LEO and SCOUTS activities only
This is all I can think of right now...
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