Monday, July 30, 2007


I tembak half of the science paper..
Maybe 3/4 of it
but who cares
I am still dead
I didn't study at all for the exams this time!
No, seriously

Please don't give me that
"i know you studied"
thing okay!

When u see my results u will know the truth!!

Harpreet Zhafri
*right before the science paper*
U good in reproduction right?
*starts laughing*
*realizes her mistakes, laughs*
Damn bad larr u guys!

Then, there's english!
Why must she go make the paper damn freaking confusing??!
Every question also like got two answers are correct!
I hope I chosed the right one.

I kinda tembak the paper one
but not that much
I found out that my whole paper 2
I wrong every single freaking question!
My mum's gonna kill me!

Thank god is not the real kerajaan trials!
Screw the exams!
Screw the teachers!
Screw the PMR!
Screw the trials!
Screw the peron who
invented exams!

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