Sunday, December 30, 2007
Materialistic much?
Or do they?
I mean personally...
Who actually set the rule the guy should pay?
No.. I am not saying the guy shouldn't pay
I mean U could be paying it as a courtesy
Don't take it as a must do thing
And who said girls are all about flowers and chocolate
Like we only can have flowers and chocolate from guys
I mean flowers are SO unuseful
Chocolate... imagine the calories....
This is a new era where girls are capable
of buying things for themselves...
But gifts are nice once in awhile... XD
Girls are definately not all materialistic
Though some of them are...
I mean... I have to admit I am one of them
Money is like really a big part of my life
I love to shop
I am trying hard NOT to be so materialistic
okay... I have no idea what I am crapping about
Just having a lot of thoughts lately
Do guys really think they can buy everything with money?
Boy are you wrong...
U can never buy LOVE!
Please leave a comment.. Thanks!
Memoirs of an ELdest child
I just hate being the eldest one
I mean... Look at this scenario
Mum comes back from work
Eldest child goes up and asks : Mum, how's work today.
This usually concludes with a series of nagging
Same scenario same question different person
Youngest child goes up and ask
This usually concludes with the mum being so polite
telling the little one to go do something else as mummy is tired today
True, no?
Next scenario
The younger child breaks a bottle of ketchup
Parents immediately rushes over to ask how is she
Thus, scolding the elder one for not looking after the younger one
Same scenario
But.. this time the elder one break a bottle of ketchup
Parents rushes over to scream at the elder one
for damaging the carpet or whatever it is
Funny isn't it
How the younger ones always get away with on simple sentence
"They're still small..."
But if u never tell them what's right
Will they always be small??
You should teach them right?
Not just scold the elder one which has nothing to do with it
Aunty Penny kinda brought up this subject
The last time she came for a visit
She has been trying to be equally good/strict to both
But somehow she's still favouring the youngest one
It's just not fair they get away with everything everytime
Whilst we, as the elder one have to pick up their mess
Like as if they will even admit that they did it
I mean... I wouldn't mind picking up the mess
If the blame hasn't been transfered from the younger one to me
And how they compare the elder one to the younger one like
How the younger one never goes out everyday
Oh purlease... If they could.. they would already be out of the house
Or how they're so thoughtful to ask about their day
If the elder one even ask how was ur day
You did start scolding them
It's not like the elder child is for you to melepaskan geram
Then go have fun with the younger one
We all have feelings...
Boo to being the elder one...
It sucks!
Overrated, no?
I am really going crazy blogging
I blog almost 2-3 times PER DAY
I guess I need to get a life...
I am freaking bored
I can't even practice playing the guitar
'cause I dun even know how to play
So I just web-surfed the whole day
Joined two different website today
One was some youth search blogging thingy
Another one was... something bout blogging too larr
Both also got from the nuffnang ad
Haha.. XD
A brand new year is coming
I just went to register all my tuitions
Yupz... My week is definately packed
Monday - Sejarah, physics
Tuesday - Leo, Kumon, Chemistry
Wednesday - Scouts, Biology
Thursday - English lit?
Friday - Chinese extra classes, Kumon
Saturday - Accounts and Add Maths
Sunday - Guitar?
Now I am still searching for English lit. classes
Anybody know where to get?
If I can't find then I have to give up liao
And I don't wanna give it up
I just found out where to take lessons
BUT it's so damn freaking far away
My mum will defnately not fetch me there
I go SS2 tuition also kena marah liao
Go kepong/Klang summore
Sure *cuts throat*
Will I have to give up my english lit. dream?
I hope not...
Everybody's telling me that it's damn freaking hard
Yeah... I know
But I am intrested arr...
If u ppl out there know right
please tell me... XD
Haihz... 2008 coming liao
This year must make new year resolutions
And have to stick to it
Cannot like this year XD
- Must study harder cannot so slacky
- Pay more attention during tuition
- Don't be too involve in koko b4 exams
- Must pratice playing guitar
- Spend lesser time online [but i will nvr let my blog die]
- Must save money... must spend lesser
- I strictly forbid myself to LEO and SCOUTS activities only
This is all I can think of right now...
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Aw man...
I need it!!
Haha... I am trying to learn from youtube
but I can't really get what that person's crapping about
Talk damn a lot.. actual lessons he taught
I give up learning online
I am so gonna take up lessons...
I am no good with self-learning thingy
Haha... boo to me...
crying matters, no?
cry not bcoz she wan sympathy or pity,
She cry, Because crying silently is no
longer possible, the pain, hurt, n
agony have become too big a burden to
be kept inside...
Clean? Not really...
I just cleaned up the table
That has been in my room since forever
My room just has to be messy
Or else it wouldn't be my room
Totally heartz my guitar
I am so naming it KAZE
According to someone... XD
Kaze = wind in japanese
It's that right??
Maybe I should name my guitar
Hmm... shall decide later larr
Friday, December 28, 2007
Happy Birthday HAR HAR
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Trip to my godma's house
My mum's nagging excluded though
My godma gave me RM300 and i didn't even get stright As
My godsister came running out to congrats me
Fell so warm all of a sudden... XD

This was suppose to be the header
but not my style...
school's reopening
School's starting... SOON!
I am still kinda lost in the holz mood
Just started to get a hang of it and WHAM!
The reality come right back in
Today's result taking was okay for me
I mean I was okay okay with what I got
Thought that I could've done better
But it's over and I can't change anything right?
I congrated so many people
Eh, people would go
How many A's did you get?
^.^ *grins* 6As
*sympathetic look*
oh puuurlease... dun gimme that look.. I am FINE
Had to go through quite a lot of that today
And people... I am FINE
I seriously am
Next year,
Forget about the post I wanted to take
I am putting my time into studying
I can't be the old me already
Gotta get my head in my studies
I sound sooooooo nerdy
Haihz.. what to do
I let my parent's down
*sobs sobs*
Went to OU for "celebration"
Yeah... basically...
I spent ALOT of money buying things
Not including the voucher I used
I just kept on using and using
I guess it's too relieve my pain
I really studied for my sejarah
I really did
I thought it was a sure A
Guess that my sure wasn't convincing enuf
I was screaming and shouting in school
That people actually thought I got stright As
Hehez.... sorry to dissapoint you
As TRIXHA said
I got one more A than I expected
Back to the OU thingy
So... Fiona tagged along
Went for teppanyaki whilst the
*ahem ahem* straight A student gang
went for a VERY expensive meal at delicious
Then Jen Kai and Yee Weng came to look for us
They just sat there and talked among themselves
We talked amongst ourselves
So it was like two seperate gangs...
After that, we split off
They went for movies
We went for DREAM WORLD
I love that DREAM wORLD machine
Next time must use that one again
Then we met up with peck, yan, michy, avey and the rest
Yan leng, peckie and serena went for piercing!!
Finally... XD
Blog more when I get the pictures from FIONA!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Philosophy of life
I am just kinda bored now
And I am going to convince my parents
To let me take guitar lessons next year
Who cares if the guitar is canggih looking or not
I am not gonna be a guitarist or what so ever
I just need the guitar to compose tunes for my lyrics
so it just has to make good sound
The rest is basically history
I still think however yeng the guitar may be
If the guitarist suck at playing
The guitar has already lost it's meaning
Oh my god...
I am beggining to get the wise-itis
Will be a turning point of our lives
Whether good or bad
It is still yet a mystery waiting to be solved
Dear god, If you can hear my prayer. Please let it be a good turning point for me. I promise I will study extra hard next year. Thank you in advance.
Yes... I am freaking hell scared
You guys can say whatever you want
But I am telling you that i did not do well
But has been done has been done
I can't correct anything now
Just have to get a grip and whatever results it is
I have gotta take it as it is
I may cry
I may laugh
I may be emotionless on the surface
Please don't let little ol' me bring ur spirits down
Good luck everybody!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
17 signs
Lonely Christmas
Watching the sky lit up
Hearing the fireworks go off
I see couples strolling by
Hands in hands
I turn to my side
I almost forgot you’ve left me
I slowly walk off
I just think about my life
Hating the sound of each fireworks
This is the season
For the couples
I remember the day you left me
Merry merry Christmas
Lonely lonely Christmas
I just want to hold you tight
And make you wanna be mine
Merry merry Christmas
Lonely lonely Christmas
To forget about the world
And everything but you and me
The moment you walk out
Last Christmas eve
I knew you were never coming back
Whatever we had was long gone
Tears on your face
I never meant to hurt you
I just wanna tell you I am sorry
Merry merry Christmas
Lonely lonely Christmas
I just want to hold you tight
And make you wanna be mine
Merry merry Christmas
Lonely lonely Christmas
To forget about the world
And everything but you and me
73rd christmas party

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Nightmare before Christmas
The party was FUN
Though I had to make a speech
Which was too fast
cause my handphone was vibrating like shit in my pocket
and the podium was too high for me
[ended up blocking the whole of me]
After the speech...
The heels were already cutting through my feet
I went VEEERY unladylike and took of my heels
Which means... I was practically barefooted... XD
Sorry to those people who actually saw me cry
Didn't mean to scare u guys
The performer just pulled put at the eleventh hour
Thank gawd he showed up though
I was crying alot that day
Dunno why...
I guess it's the stress...
Thanks to all the performers who performed!!!
[Psstt... sorry if i didn't recognized u guys at first..]
A lot of ppl FFK me!!
All said they were coming but ended up not showing up
Some right... promised to come as an UNO card
Dunno what happened horr....
The food was... *ahem ahem* A disaster
but other than that
It seemed that the whole committee are
Triple S - Syok Sendiri Sahaja
Haha... If u heard some LOUD piercing screams
Yupz.. It's me and Peck Hwa
Congrats to those who won
I just can't believe how forgetful I am
To forget to give out the certificate!!!!
The pictures will have to wait till next time
I barely took any pictures at all
except for that ONE picture with aveline
Haha... XD
Wait for part 2!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
And clean up the mess
Thank you so much to all the committee members who came
LAST night and help do the stars...
Will blog more bout the OU trip
and how Lynnette ran away when she saw the clown
and how the idiotic taxi driver drove
and yeah...
Got den cleaning
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Who am I?
Why wedding rings should be worn on the fourth finger
Thumb represents parents
Second finger represents brothers & sisters
Center finger represents own self
Fourth finger represents your partner
Last finger represents your children
Really interesting
Why wedding ring should put on the fourth finger??
Pls follow the below step, really god made this a miracle
Firstly, show your palm, center finger bend and put together back to back. Middle finger should be bent 90 degrees then pressed back to back.
Secondly, the rest 4 fingers tips to tips
Games begin, follow the below arrangement, 5 finger but only 1 pair can split.
Try to open your thumb, the thumb represents parents, it can be open because all human does go thru sick and dead. Which are our parents will leave us one day
Please close up your thumb, then open your second finger, the finger represent brothers and sisters, they do have their own family which is too they will leave us too
Now close up your second finger, open up your little finger, this represent your children. Sooner or later they too will leave us for they got they own living to live
Nevertheless, close up your little finger, try to open your fourth finger which we put our wedding ring; you will be surprise to find that it cannot be open at all. Because it represent husband and wife, this whole life you will be attach to each other Real love will stick together ever and forever. ....
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Date and time
The last donuts post
If you guys noticed
The date was dated on 1/1/2006
It was because my camera had some problems
I was too lazy to fix the date and time
So it came out 01/01/2006
Haha... XD
As you can see too
This picture is dated 01/02/2006
It was just taken today
The date format is like month/date/year
Well.. you get my point
Yesterday was big apples donut
Today I got famous amos cookies
Yummy yummy...
What do you think of my new headeR?
I took this picture eons ago
I can't remember when
I think it was in Langkawi
So natural...
Friday, December 14, 2007
Camwhoring... no.. not me.
The most emotional horoscope
1. Virgo
2. Cancer
3. Pisces
4. Gemini
5. Scorpio
6. Aquarius
7. Aries
8. Taurus
9. Sagittarius
10. Libra
11. Leo
12. Capricorn
The horoscope that has the best luck with the opposite sex
1. Leo
2. Libra
3. Pisces
4. Gemini
5. Scorpio
6. Sagittarius
7. Aries
8. Aquarius
9. Taurus
10. Cancer
11. Capricorn
12. Virgo
The horoscope whom girls are the hardest to get
1. Virgo
2. Scorpio
3. Capricorn
4. Gemini
5. Aquarius
6. Leo
7. Taurus
8. Sagittarius
9. Libra
The horoscope whom doesn’t like to be under control
1. Sagittarius
2. Aquarius
3. Gemini
4. Leo
5. Libra
6. Aries
7. Scorpio
8. Cancer
9. Pisces
Here's for today... more coming up..
Stay tuned!! =D
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Our future is what we make it to be.part II
Your Scholastic Strength Is Developing Ideas |
You are talented at brainstorming, visualizing, organizing, and independent thinking. You should major in: Natural sciences Computer science Creative writing Math Architecture Journalism |
Took a quiz..
but not so sure about the outcome though
Our future is what we make it to be.
Few more days and the results are going to be out
The few alphabets that's going to be our future
Had a talk with Leon yesterday about study
Well, He'd be the last one I imagined worrying bout things liddat
But, boy was I WRONG.
He said it scared him that next year is his PMR year
If he don't get good results.. he wouldn't know what to do
He wants to get into pure science and be a doctor..
He asked me what will I do if I can't get into science stream
Well, the truth is...
I never really thought about that before.
I mean I never even thought of what I am going to major in
Everything's like this big big mess right now
I just can't concentrate on what I want.
In 2 years time...
We'll be graduating
Some may be doing their sixth form,
Some may be doing their A levels in colleges,
Some may be already out of Malaysia.
Just the thought of it actually kinda scares me.
I mean in another 2-3 years
We should be in the world of adults
I have not even thought of what am I going to be
Doctor? can't.. Hate the sight of blood.
Lawyer? can't... Dun have the gift of gab.
Writer? can't... Not creative enuf.
Teacher? can't... Not smart enuf.
DJ? Oh purlease... Dun even go there.
I have to really give a thought about that
How will my future be...
For one thing I know
I will definately be doing my A levels here
And then it will be off to sumwhere else
Maybe I might come back to Malaysia
Maybe I might not
We shall have to see how Malaysia is in a few years time
Looking on the good side
I will be able to drive myself around in 2 years time.. XD
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
About the party
I can't really remember the details much
But I can remember it was a big mess
Everything went wrong
Then suddenly
It was like a carnival
OMG... haihz...
100 random facts
7.. XD
2. Is your hair long or short?
3 . Do you have many friends in real life?
4. Name of friends you last hang out with for today?
didn't go out with frens today.. ;(
5. Do you love chicken?
U mean as in dead or alive?
6. Last three drinks you had?
Coke, Mango Juice, Water
7. Do you eat fish?
not much
8. Do people mispronounce or spell your name incorrectly?
9. Who was the last guy you hugged?
Hmm... none..
10. Last guy who hugged you?
none... XP
11. Any food that made you smile today?
TGIF's hot fudge sundae!
12. Name one thing you have in common with your friends?
insanely unique!
13. Do you trust your friends?
hmm... Yes.
14. How old will you be in five years?
20... Omg... i am gonna be OLD
15. Do you believe in love?
16. Except for family and friends, who are you in love with?
That shall be my little secret.
17. Do you honestly believe you have found the right guy/girl?
18. Are you someone’s best friend?
19. Do you love music?
Do cows moo?
20. Last song you listened to?
Happy working song from Enchanted
21 . Would you rather play an instrument or sing?
22. Who was the last person you talked to?
23. Who was the last person to call you?
24. Would you consider yourself a worrier?
Do dogs bark?
25. Do you consider yourself as EMO?
Erm... sometimes...
26 . Do you believe in saving yourself for marriage??
27. Last person that pissed you off?
well.. I shall not mention names
28. Last person that you pissed off?
Hmm.. let's just say I pissed the person that pissed me off...
29. Tell a secret about your first kiss?
30. Tell a lie about the person you love (can't be realtives)
I will get back to you when I get one... XD
31. From whom have you missed the most calls in the last 5 days?
32. Who’s the first person you call when you’re having a bad day?
Bree. i seldom call ppl larr if I bad mood
33. Who’s the first person you call when you need to vent?
I use MSN... XD
34. Last person who made you laugh like crazy?
35. What’s your greatest inspiration in life?
To not be like her
36. Are you a good guesser?
Yes... Haha... right Briana?
37 . When and where was the last time you got injured?
Quite some time ago.
38. Who was the last friend to sing your current favorite song and what song?
Briana... Bubbly
39. Who makes you laugh the most?
40. Who makes you cry the most?
Anything... Yes... even cartoons
41. Who is the friend you have that you never expected to have?
All of them I guess?
42. A movie or a long walk in the park with your love one?
Long walk
43. Tell me about one act of kindness you did to someone today.
Hmm... I comforted someone who was sad?? XD
44. Do random surveys like this make you smile ?
45. Describe your work in one word.
46. Is there anyone that you regret ever meeting?
47. Pick a remarkable scar on your body, where did you get it?
Usaha camp 2005.. thank you so much pl for giving me the scar.. *sarcasm*
48. Do you tan easily?
49. On your bed, what’s your favorite thing?
My stuff toys!!
50 . A random guy/girl comes up to you and say “hey babe, I like you.” What will you tell him/her?
erm.. Do i know you?
51. Do you ever lie about your age?
52. Do you prefer "sensitive boys" or"tough guys"?
In between?? I mean u wouldn't want a guy who is crying all the time or one who's going to be acting tough and insensitive to ur feelings right?
53. Do you prefer blonde or dark haired guys?
Doesn't really matter as long as he likes it.
54. Are you currently single?
55. How many things in your past do you regret?
56. Do you have a best friend?
57. What do you want to be when you grow up?
58. Who was the last person you hugged?
didn't this question come out b4?
59. Have you ever had your heart broken?
60. Have you ever thought about having plastic surgery?
61. Do you like your life?
62 . Do you shop at Hollister??
63. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you?
Never had one.
64. Has one of your friends ever stabbedyou in the back?
Sad to say... Yes
66 . Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
Equal I think...
67 . How long have you had friendster?
Can't really remember
68 . Have you ever cheated on someone?
69. Has anyone ever cheated on you?
Never had that special someone.
70. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
Yeah.... It was because there was a bug on his face!!
71. What is one of your biggest fears?
72. Have you ever skipped class?
lotsa times?
73. Has anyone close to you ever skipped?
74 . Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
I shall not talk about this
75. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
76. Do you believe in the saying "once acheater, always a cheater"?
78. Do you ever wish you were famous?
79. Do u ever wish u were a man?
80. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you shared a bed with?.
81. Where was the last place you went out to eat?
TGIF, curve
82. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed?
i forgot. =/
83. Which do you prefer? Eyes or lips?.
84. Medicine, fine arts or law?
85. Best kind of pizza?
Thin crust
86. Is your bedroom window open?
87. What is in store for your future?
Anything I make it to be
88. Who was the last band you saw live?
89. Do you take care of your friends when they are sick?
If they let me
90. Miss someone?
Yes... XD
91. What is your favorite soda?
92. How many songs are on your iTunes?
Dun have 1
93. When was the last time you spend more than 100?
94. Where is the last place you drove to?
I can't drive
95. Are you experienced?
96. Any historical figures that you envy?
Why should envy a figure?
97. What brand of digital camera do you own?
98. When was the last time you got a good workout?
Yesterday from shopping.
99. If you need a new pair of jeans,what store would you go to?
100. Where is your favorite place to get coffee?.
101. Name one person who always texts you
That shall be a secret..
102. Do you think some people are born stupid?
no one is stupid.. they're just UNWISE
103. Name one negative thing about you?
Paraniod easily
104. Status?
single and loving it! =)
105. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Playing MSN checkers with some idiot.
106. Sport you wanted to learn?
ice skating
107. Ever tried gymnastics?
108. What was the last thing you bought?
Christmas presents
109. Do you talk a lot?
Haha... the question of the century.
110. Do you believe that love is blind?
111. Where is your brother?
I dont have one.
112. How was your day yesterday?
okay okay larr...
113. What is the last ice cream flavor you had?
114. Are you an optimistic one?
115. People describe you as....
Crazy? Lame? childish?
116. Contented in life?
im not sure.
117. What was the last thing you bought?
Christmas Presents
118. Are you happy with the love of your life?
don't have one
119. Do you skip meals?
120. Do you consider yourself smart?
121. What color is your gate?
122. Reason for living?
.What would everyone do if they was no lynnette around to be lame?? Haihz.. XD
123. Are you typically a jolly person?
I hope I am...
124. Name one enemy of yours..
125. Name one close girl friend.
Breeana.. ana... ana... eh...
126. Who's the first person in your mind?
that's my little secret...
127. What did the last text message you received say?
Nitez... sleep early... don't worry.
128. Do you go to the gym?
129. Song playing at the moment..
Hate that I love you.
130. How do you cope with stress?.
131. Ever broken someone's heart?
132. What makes you happy?.
Hanging out with my frens
133. What is the last thing you said aloud?.
134. How much is your tuition fee?
Dunno worr
136. Last person u texted?
137. Last thing you ate?
Sirloin steak
138. Ever made someone cry?.
Sad to say this but yes
139. Do u drink any alcohol beverages?
Does shandy counts?
140. Favorite song when you're drunk?
Oh.. purlease... I am a good girl.. I dun get drunk!
141.Your mom calls you?
142. What is your favorite shake?
143.What movie/s are you waiting for?
Alvin and the chipmunk
144.If you wanted to be in a band, what position do you want to be in?
Lead singer/guitarist
145 . W hat is the nastiest thing you've ever touched?
A leech
146.Where is the place you want to be right now?
Be where i want to be
147 . What song do you listen to feel happy?
Upbeat songs
148 .What movie/s made you cry?
All movies made me cry... Yes... even walt disney & pixar ones..
149.What is your favorite drink?
Mango juice
150 . Who is/are the cartoon characters that you like?
totally spies
151.Coke or Pepsi?
152. In a week, how many times do you go online?
153. Describe yourself in one word?
154 . What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Check my phone for smses.
155. What's the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
turn off the lights
156. Some thing about you that you're proud of?
Hmm... let me get back to you later..
157. Are you happy?
I think so
158. Why?
Something great just happened
159 .Is there something you wanna do?
160. What are you listening to right now?
That was then - Jesse McCartney... Wait.. it just changed... Tattoo - Jordin Sparks
161. Complete this sentence:"THE WORLD NEEDS......."
162. What was the last thing you ate?
163. If you were a crayon,what color would you be?
164. What did you eat for breakfast?
I woke up at 3 pm today
165. What are you wearing?
T-shirt and shorts
166. Favourite day/s of the week?
Now tag another 6 unlucky people that will have to do this tag.
1. Briana
2. Yan Leng
3. Hazel
4. Zulaikha
5. Pauline
6. May XD
Good Luck! XD
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Hmm... christmas?
Yesterday we had japanese
Today we went for TGIF
Haha.. the malls are really decorating for christmas
It's like 10 days away from christmas party
Uh oh... haha... XD
I am really hoping that it will pull off well
My dad finally helped me suan ming
but he don't wanna tell me much
He just said that
I will earn big bucks next time and
If I have kids it will be sons
Oh shoot... boys.. little monsters...
Shopaholic me
I spent RM 200 in one utama today
I dunno how
but I just did...
Well, I am getting bored at home
There're like only one week and a few days more
till the day of the big event
Oh no... I feel so unprepared.
What am I going to do???
Sunday, December 9, 2007
But yes... it's the first time I have been there
and wow!!
It's like HUGE!!
even the fitting rooms are nice... XD
Briana decided to come along with us
so she could redeem her Female christmas card thingy
I also had one too!!
We got this goodie bag full of erm... female stuffs
and then there was this a cut above's "vent brush" aka comb
then we got to spin the wheel 6 times because
my mum spent around RM600++ on the pressies and clothings
We also got this free angel card/zen card/tarot card reading
Which was amazingly accurate!!
Well, since I had a RM500 voucher from parkson
I decided to some shopping
but I ended up only buying one thing
and it cost RM30
Haha.... XD
Will spent more the next time around
Well, pavillion is definately not a place I would hang out at much
I'd still prefer OU to any other shopping mall.
Too pricey larr everything
Maybe next time when I work
I might shop there
Haihz... gtg try to clean up my room
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Will they never learn
First it was that Harry Potter book for cheap spam
Now they're selling goods that are filled with loads of plumbums then arent's safe
Listen here
If you have a little sister/brother/cousin at home who still plays with toys. Please do not buy the toys from carrefour even though they may be cheap cause it is loaded with plumbum. Plumbum can make a children be defected like mentally. When children put those toys in their mouth, they're actually consuming it. There is no symptoms just that the plumbum will accumalate in their body and will end up poisoning them. The products are manufactured by this some lee bros family. I can only remember one product name - HONEY BABY. so please be careful with the toys you choose...
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Shed a tear or two, will ya?
"Elsa, how are you going home? Need a lift?" Alycia's words startled her.
"Erm... I don't think they will be here." Elsa managed to answer with a smile on her face.
Alycia's mum always sent her home after all the award giving ceremonies. Alycia's mum started going on how lucky she is to have Alycia and how Alycia got a trophy. Alycia looked embarassed and tried to get her mum to stop. When her mum's car stopped in front of Elsa's house, she turned around and told Elsa, "Congratulations on the trophies you've won." That sentence startled Elsa. No grown up ever said that to her before. She smiled and said thanks as she got out from the car.
"Maybe things will be a little different today..." Elsa thought to herself. She opened the door slowly. She stepped inside the house. "Well, I guess there're things that will never change." she said to herself as she walked into the kitchen. She took out a piece of post-it and tacked it onto the fridge. She wrote "Heyz, I won 2 awards today. Tomorrow is the big game. You'll be there right? You promised. Love, Elsa." She drank a glass of milk and then she went to sleep. She wanted to get enough rest so she would be at her best during the game tomorrow.
Next morning when Elsa got up, she went down into the kitchen to get some breakfast. She saw another post-it note on the top of hers. It said "Sorry dear, I know you must be upset but we are attending a counselling session with your sister... You understand, right? Love, MUM" Elsa tore the note into pieces and threw it into the bin. That night, she still gave her best as she was the co-captain of the cheerleading squad. She couldn't let them see her troubled on a big night like this. After the game ended, she went home. As she opened the front door, she could hear laughters from within. She walks in and sees her whole family seated in front of the TV watching some aged old comedy. She walks past them and goes into her room without making a sound.
"Where did you go last night?!" Elsa was awaken by her mum's screaming. She sat up with an alarmed expression on her face.
"I... I... I came home right after the game. You guys were watching TV so I didn't want to bother you." Elsa answered.
Elsa's mum stared at her for awhile then yelled at Elsa to be quick so she wouldn't be late for tuition. "Your sister's class is going to end soon. Quick!"
After tuition, Elsa waited. She waited for her mum to come and pick her up. She called her mum's cell phone after an hour or waiting. No one answered. She called her dad's cell phone. No one answered that too. After awhile, she recieved a SMS from her mum saying that they had to rush to this emergency meeting with Kelsey's teachers. They will not be able to pick her up. Elsa stared at her phone. Tears began to trickle down her cheek. She walked home alone not caring about the danger of the prowlers.
When she got home, as she was getting herself a glass of water, she recieved another SMS. They must have sent a SMS to ask if I am safely home already or not. she thought. I shall ignored it. She read the msg "Don't stay up waiting for us. We took her for dinner as she managed to get an A in english." Elsa slammed the glass of water on the table. The glass shattered into a million pieces. Elsa picked up the biggest piece of the glass and slit her wrist. She did not know why she did that. When she came back to her senses, there was blood everywhere. She quickly took a bandage and badaged it up. Then she cleared up the mess. She had to talk to someone. She ran out of the house. She ran to Alycia's house to learn that Alycia was at her aunt's house and wouldn't be back till the next day. Elsa didn't know where else to go. She wandered around till she got to a park. She was tired from walking. She sat down on a bench. Sitting on the other side of the bench was this girl who looked like her age. They got to know each other. Elsa learnt that the girl's parent's never noticed she was gone and she didn't want to go home. She's been out for 3 months now.
Elsa felt scared. What if her parents didn't notice she was gone too. She had to hurry home. When she got home, her parent's were already home. What if they are worried and have called the cops already? Elsa thought to herself. It's already half past one. She walks in and finds the house suprsingly dark. They didn't even notice she was gone. She got upstairs into her room and cried.
"Elsa, you better wake up now. You're suppose to tutor me! Mum's going to be angry at you if you don't wake up now!" Kelsey shouted from outside the room door. She opened the door and walked over to Elsa's bed. The next scene was something she will never forget. She turns Elsa body around to see Elsa's pale face. Then Kelsey sees the blood stained sheets. She screamed. There was a bandage on the bedside table, next to it was a note.
The cut was not that deep, really. I was hoping that one of you might actually suddenly remember there was a girl named Elsa living in this house and maybe drop by and find her before it was too late. If you're reading this now and it is in the morning, I guess I just don't matter to the family anymore. All I wanted was just a few praises from you all. I worked so hard so that you might notice me. You might still remember your daughter Elsa. I can't stand it anymore. I can't stand living with a family who isn't a family... Well... at least not to me. Love you all. Alot alot alot....
Monday, December 3, 2007
i have been waiting for a true love's kiss
You should definately watch it
It's like the most romantic yet un-romantic show ever!!
"Do you always make it a habit to fall of things?"
"Only when you're around..."
"I will send you to a place where there's no happily ever after.."
Guess where the evil witch sent her to?
Well... As i once quoted
"Fairytale romance will never come true in reality."
The songs are damn nice!!
Hmmm... I am going to buy the
Soundtrack .. if there is...
I need my sleep
It's 10 in the morning for gawd sake!!
Don't you care that I need my beauty sleep??
Don't you even care that I stayed up till 3 am doing
the party's ticket's design and that
It is now finally ready for printing?
You're sooooooo inconsiderate.
I want to sleep
but I can't
Too awake to go back to sleep liao..
Saturday, December 1, 2007
It's all so cliche
I have tried every single way thinkable
I try to conduct a meeting to get ideas
No... No one bothers to come
Or if they are even there
They talk in their small group
I am seriously not a thinking machine
I need help
But there's no one to turn to
Whenever i ask for help
They're busy with their lives
I know they have their own lives too
And my life is already gone
I Need this to work out fine
I need it to work
I really need it to work
It's like I feel like the whole world is against me
I can't do anything right at all
Everything I do is WRONG
My parents are reminding me of what a bad organizer I am
I am tired of all this mess
I just wanna leave everything
And go to a place where nothing matters
Where nothing's wrong or right
A place where nobody knows who I am
A place where there's just me...
Friday, November 30, 2007
I have finished doing it
So many effect to make it perfect
It's a cork board if you haven't noticed...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sweet? I think not!
we went bowling when we got there
we played beside this bunch of
let's just say... middle aged ladies
and my were they a proud group!
We were playing and laughing
and we stood on OUR lane
the lady came and say
Can you don't stand here, you're distracting me.
I know you can't take your eyes off us..
but they had to guat us every now and then
I think they actually complained cause
the ppl came and told us to switch to another lane
which was one lane away from them
does that even make a freaking difference??
Fine... they want to play
let them play in peace larr
They had to guat us everytime
We hit strike
they guat us
We gutter ball
they guat us
And oh yeah...
there's this group which is called
"Sweet Ladies"
Consist of ah lien and je... i forgot larr..
Check bree's blog to find out more
Wellllllll...... their high fives are like...
You put this chuan look on
You touch your friend's palm
You touch!
Well... other than that little set back
the rest of the day was FUN!
I read this article in the magazine
that talked about flirting with body language
[aiya... it's sumthing liddat larr...]
I can't believe it but...
fidgeting with hair...
lip licking/biting...
are all flirtatious moves!!
Omgness.... and to think
I did all the above without knowing...
OOps.... haha... XD
Did you do any of the above before to a guy?
Now you know... XD
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
time flies
The past few days have been a blur
Everyday seems like the same boring routine
The party is getting nearer
and I am STILL having money crisis
what should i do??
Yesterday at the meeting
pauline was suppose to come
as SHE was there...
Hello... May I speak to Pauline?
Pauline... Lynnette here.. you coming for the meeting?
What? When?
Now? She's here.
What time is it"?
hello?? hello?? erm.. Pauline??
*long silence*
*tut tut tut tut*
Sorry for waking you up
the meeting was well.. let's say
a disaster
I can only see people that I always see
Where are the rest??
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Invisible to you
when you look at me
Am i just another girl
in your life?
Why don't you feel the way I feel
the feeling that numbs me
everytime you're near
I see you holding hands
whispering sweet nothings
she's cheating on you
why can't you see?
Why would you let her break your heart
Can't you see I was there for you
All along
Right from the start.
Am I invisible?
I can hardly feel myself
I can hardly see myself
Friday, November 23, 2007
who said you can put the blame on me
Fucking stop saying that it was my fault
I am fucking sorry it didn't turn out the way it was suppose to be okay
Where is that fucking person who cancelled it?
Enjoying somewhere else
Leaving all the others to pick
up her fucking shit
don't you have a fucking brain
to think of the god damn thiings we have to do
after u fucking just fucking cancelled the party???!!
Why don't you be the one
explaining to everyone why the fucking hell
is the party cancelled
What the fucking hell they have to do
with their fucking costume
don't you ever ever think of the
fucking consequences
No.. i am not done yet
i still have lots of anger in me
Do you know how many sorrys I have been saying for the past few days??
Where were you huh?
The person who caused all this fucking havoc!!
you are brainless shit!
and people out there
I know you're trying to advise me with things like
Why didn't you guys do this..
Why didn't you guys do that..
the party is fucking been screwed up
So can you just shut your smart ass mouth up
If you want to come then come
The committees know what we're doing
You think we never thought of what u thought of??
The world doesn't evolve around ur idea you know!
And to the person who caused this havoc..
The world does not evolve around you!
and this is MY project
I will do what i want to do with it
If you want to say anything
come to the committee meeting
and we will decide as a COMMITTEE
here's a new word for you
Never forget that
you are not the only one working
and you're not the freaking OC
If u become the fucking president next year
You will NOT see me in LEO!
I mean..
Not as the party is stil going to be on TONIGHT..
but... it's going to be a CHRISTMAS PARTY
Loving the theme
it's like a halloween slash christmas
I just hope it won't turn wrong
If we still have poor response
We will still go ahead with the party
Even if it means slamming our heads
right into the wall..
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Back from camp
Congrats to all who got the badges XD
You deserve it...!!! XD
Singing patrol patrol banana...
PAtrol patrol banana...
the ultraman dance damn cute!!
Well.. Our MK perfromance was..
*Ahem ahem*
As sir said...
Needed more practicing. XD
And i just have to say
Issshh... that was better
I dun care what you said
You should have tried calling the
performers teling them the party
had been cancelled
It sucks kayz!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Everything is piling in
Everything is going wrong
I didn't know it was going to be falling apart
I didn't even see it coming.
Even Miss.Penny said I looked stress
Well, I am stress.
How am I suppose to chill.
When I have so many things to worry about?
I dunno whether I should go for camp anymore.
I don't think I can enjoy camp with so many things
on my mind at the moment.
The money problem.
The decoration problem.
How am I suppose to settle everything?
Oh gawd....
I have not had a good conversation
with any of my friends lately.
Always when they talk to me,
I am busy.
They want to go ou,
I am busy.
To all my friends,
Thanks for still being there.
Thanks for not just leaving me alone.
Thanks for dropping by to ask if I am okay.
Thanks for listening to my problems.
Thank for being so helpful.
Thanks for being so supportive.
Sorry for not being able to talk longer.
Sorry for not being able to listen,
Sorry for not being able to be there.
Sorry for not being able to go out with you guys.
Sorry for not being a good friend lately.
When I stress,
I normally will dissapear into my own world for awhile.
Till everything is settled.
I dunno why but yeah...
So if you need to talk to me
reach in deeper..
Tell me you really need to talk to me.
Just maybe,
I might come out from my own world awhile.
written by this girl at 8.49pm
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I am going CRAZY
scratch that
I AM CRAZY already!
I have camp this saturday.
The party is next friday.
There will be four days
where I have to be in camp
and not be here.
There'll be four days WASTED
The tickets are not done selling
My log books are all tergantunging
Working fund not enuf
No performances
I am damn freaking stressed out.
If this few days
I suddenly break down crying in front of you
Don't be shocked bcause I have done that before
Sorry keyao and may. Didn't mean to scare you two.
I can barely even sleep
without having a nightmare
and waking up screaming in the
middle of the night.
Can someone please prescribe me a chill pill?
Crapped up by this girl at 10.54pm
Usaha Camp 2007
Flipping through the old lyrics book
found this long forgotten song... XP
My fellow friend,
usaha camp is tough
but we will stand straight
and never give up
Don't hide your feeling inside you
We will be there for you.
Tomorrow is another day
Put a smile and don't ever give up
And we will stand up straight
And we will do our best
Patrol Earth will rock you.
The sun will shine, my friends
Have semangat, my dears
Buck it up,
Show it now,
You've got it in you.
Don't ever be afraid to show it
I will stand by you, my friend
hand in hand we'll stand
you've got to believe
Patrol earth is the best
and we will beat the rest
cause we have what it takes.
XD Serena's patrol song...
Well, I have got to go continue stressing
on things I shouldn't be streesing on
Haha... XD
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tagged by Mercury Girl
2. Each blogger starts with 8 random facts about themselves
3. Choose 8 people to tag
Okay... I have done one.
Random facts about Lynnette Oon.
1. I hate half boiled eggs!!
2. I am afraid of heights.
3. I take an hour to bath.
4. When I stress, I have gastric.
5. I have a four year old sister.
6. I would like to study mass com.
7. I do not like using facebook.
8. I don't like this tag.
I tag :
Su-zen's tag
- how old are they?
- where are they currently?
- how long have you known them?
- tag 5 people.
This is going to be HARD!
1. Justin [he just signed in.. so ya..]
at home??
hmm.... since std.6
2. Jerry
at home?
std. 6
(phew... this i getting harder...)
3. Yee Weng
I dunno... at home?
form 3
4. Zhen shern
At home??
Form 3
5. Mark (tomato)
At home??
Form 1
Would You Rather...
Party with 1 or 5?
Hmmmm.... I dunno... Never party with either of them before.. but I think I will go with Justin.. XP
Marry 2 or 4?
Kill 3 or 5?
Aww.... they're good ppl. But I think I will kill MARK.. he still owe me and yan lunch!
Date 1 or 2?
Make out with 1 or 3?
Why is this tag so freaking tough?? Erm... If i realy have to choose... 1
Cuddle with 2 or 5?
Neither one!! Omg.. I can picture harpreet and XXXXX coming after me with a butcher knife!
Have kids with 3 or 4?
Oh my god.
Live with 1 or 3?
3?? He is entertaining.
Be stuck on an island with 2 or 5?
2. He is a scout. haha... At least can survive right?
Has 3 ever hurt you?
I think I hurt him more... wakaka... XD
Have you ever hurt 4?
You'll have to ask him! XP
Can you beat up 5?
Maybe. but I will never try... later har *coughs* har come and kill me
When is the last time you saw 2?
Just last week in camp.
Who is the smartest?
Hmm... I dunno... they're all smart!
Who is 3 dating/crushing on?
Paris Hilton....
Does 2 smell good?
Never smelt b4....
Who Has The Better...
Phew... that was the hardest tag ever...
I tag..
Pei Yeen
P/S Don't believe what you just read
cause it's was a very hard choice
and I simple crapped up one.
So dun so persanted and believe it!
Friday, November 9, 2007
One Utama!!
Haha... first time ever!
Everytime we wanna take bus
surely ended up taking cab one.. XD
We went bowling and saw serenity
with her brother or sumthing liddat
also saw quite a number of other ppl
Bowling was overall... enjoyable
but when you have to pros
playing on the lanes beside you
okayy..... the pressure!!
This little boy who plays damn good
Haha... feel so awkward... XD
Then we had 4 hours of fun
in NEWAY... XD
Of course...
the fun comes with a price too!!
A very BIG one...
Hmm.. XP
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
So I was sitting there
watching the doctor do it
when he was drawing it
I had to look away cause it was
kinda scary looking at the needle going in
then the doctor drew blood
but it wasn't deep enuf
so he poked it in summore
and that freaking hurt
The end result :
Two tubes of blood!
Quite cool though... XD
Phew... I am back
I finally fell asleep for 17 hours straight
Hahaha... Now I am awake.
But my body is totally aching
Thanks to the My Bonnie work out
Started out camp as a RETARD
I had to carry to bags
Imagine this
One bag on my back, one carried from the front
then kettle in one hand
and first aid kit in another
Retarded? No?
Too bad have no pics for you.
Everybody who saw us thought we were
weellll... I think retards?
Camp was totally fun
as we didn't have to do anything much
except for the first night where we
kinda help the patrol who were
similiar to their patrol name
They were like walking ____
To may's likings
the radio played so many times
the song apologies
[may... did you call to request??]
So now the song is kinda stuck in my head
and so is the song wake up call
and I passed my morse code!!!
and amazingly my phone battery lasted
for 3 days!!
[mainly because I didn't use it.]
and amazingly there's this form one who enjoyed
Morning exercise!
[He enjoyed My bonnie urs truly conducted and did it with them]
and someone kenakan me durind disease
because I am short!!
[I admit I am short]
and our sketch was really really good
[when did we ever screwed up? we are natural borned actresses]
and there were a alot alot alot
of mosquitoes and ants
[I was obsessed with mosquito coils. lighted all of them up]
and we got to eat McD nuggets
for the last day's breakfast!
[Thanks Sir David!]
They were very sporting during MK
Some patrol were really good
and there's this new game I learnt
called the ping pong ball
it's basically [how they explain it]
You ping and then they ping
but if they pong you cannot pong
but you have to ping
It's amazing how we all learnt it!! XD
The scouters got addicted to the cup game
and we were thought a new way
and it was damn hard
but yi may actually got the hang of it
but we didn't get to be there
during the closing cermony
;( *sniff sniff*
Anywayz.... we already noe! *winks*
and thanks MR.Cheah and Sir Collin
for the sweet dream they planned for us
we were so happy that we decided to
return the favour and surrounded the
car and waited for them to get out
they called all the scouters they could
to help them... but none did
Mr.Foo explained to the juniors
that this is a scene you don't get to
see in everyday life
Well.. It isn't!
This is dedicated to Aik Lynn, Natasha and Zulaikha
I have now to wait for the pics
and others to blog more..
I retreat..
P/S my fingers are tired.
Friday, November 2, 2007
but I am still up blogging
while waiting for my dad to come home
as he forgot his keys
Just finished watching Vanilla Sky awhile ago
It's a very confusing story
I didn't really get it...
If any of you watched it before...
Can you please explain it to me?
What's real and what's fake?
I still can't get over the fact that
Jeremiah is the troop leader for 157
It's so... so...
He admitted he only got chosen because there were no one else
I hope I will remember to bring everything
and I won't fall asleep during the
morse kod test like i did the last time
I just remembered ABCD and then I fell asleep
My dad's still not home yet
and I am getting kinda sleepy
He has a very big watch
his twenty minutes seriously damn long
I am tempted to just go to sleep
and leave him keyless
and locked outside for the rest of the night
but I am a good girl
furthermore i need to ask money from him
I just realized I have not had
a post on the CPR/FIRST AID course
Well.. I am proud to say
Certificate and all!!
I hope camp will be tons of fun
I am currently crapping up three days
worth of post as I won't be around
and I will be too tired to blog on sunday
As there's something wrong with my
cbox... I will reply here
Thanks harps for asking
I am fine now...
was just very pissed before
Pei Yeen : Yes thanks for listening.
Was there a bom in there? XD
Hazey : Erm... If i am free?? I have tons of stuffs to do nowadays!!
I am so sorry but I am a busy busy girl..
May : I am trying to...
And I have been trying hard to make a new header
but the computer is damn laggy
always take damn long
or if I have done it
suddenly while saving it
the program is not running
then have to end the program
so... I decided to put the NC-17 thingy there
Save time and work!!
and my dear darling dad is still not home YET!
Hmmm... I started this post at 2.13am
now is currently 2.30am
oh... finally he's back
YAY!! I get to go to sleep liao..
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
I dun like picking up your mess
Dun give me promises you can't make
If you're doing somthing
make sure you're committed
Don't always leave me to pick up
your shit!!
I have things to do to
that's why you've been assigned of this particular
If I had to do it all
why not just give me your fucking post
Dun keep telling me
don't worry don't worry
and then pull out at the last minute and tell me you can't do it
I seriously do not need a problem like you right now
It's not like i don not have anything better to do
yes yes... i am in charge right..
but that doesn't mean i have to do everything
Damn you!!
Efff you!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
New feature?
Just one question...
Does blogger have a new feature
that it keeps the old blog links?
If you don't understand
Check my old blog url
then you'll know..
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Laughing is NOT a crime
Sue me if you want to
but laughing is not a crime
The game mafia rawks!!
and you've to give it to yi may
her story telling skills rawks!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
What's the point?
There's nothing to do
They lock you up in the dewan
let you out for recess
then come back in the dewan again
They showed the movie
what's the name again?
I only know got crocodile one
You can barely see the faces of the people
from my angle
so we played this game
You shout out one random thing
ur fren thinks of something related to it
see if they have muo qi
We were bored...
Others had fun playing scrabbles
upwords, monopoly
Should I go tmr arr?
Very boring leh...
I may seemed fast but I am not
Considering the fact that
when I am doing logbook
I am actually online chatting
talking on the phone
watching TV
So how fast do you think I am doing it?
Hmm.. it's raining really heavily now
and I can't really sleep
The thunder is really really scary
It's sounds like it's the end of the world
No joking!
I jumped when the last thunder striked
it was loud
It's damn scary...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Happy Belated Birthday