Thursday, November 4, 2010
You learn more after that fall
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Are you the one, should I really trust?
It’s been a really long time since I felt like this. I think since the whole incident, I never thought I could actually find people whom i could form such a bond with again. It’s a really warm feeling as the lights are turned on again and someone is there to check on you. That the power failure was nothing but a small trip and everything would be right again. Maybe it’s time to just let go of the past and start walking into the future…
Just gotta say thanks guys. :)
Love this picture! :)
We were trying to reenact a comic book scene.. hahaha..
Imma rockstar yo!
Made this for SAM.. haha AWESOME PICTURE kan??
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I am Malaysian lah!
What other things can make you even more Malaysian than hanging out at a mamak with your National Service buddy? :) Dahlah pun prove the point that we both love being Malaysians. :)
After college we ended up driving around without direction. After a VERY long time we finally decided to settle upon this cozy little mamak called Raju’s.
I’ve been having really random cravings for Mamak and good sotong gorengs recently.
I guess is the whole Merdeka month thing. Makes me want mamak even more. XD
The curry puffs were so so only according to Mei and they cost her RM0.80 for such small portion. You can get better ones at Ikea and they definitely are bigger!
Yummy yummy sotong goreng. Would have tasted much better if they had fried it along with some curry leaves. Overall, one of the better sotong gorengs I’ve had other than Kayu’s crazily expensive ones.
Wouldn’t be complete without a Teh O Limau ice
While waiting for her brother to be let out from school.
Big growling bears are called bears.
Cute bears are called bear bear ok? XP
More pictures from Mei’s SURPRISE 18th soon!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
That’s alright because I love the way it hurts
Carwash was yesterday. Still hurt all over. Washing 50 cars was not easy at all. Super super tiring and muscle aching everywhere. Not only that, I think most of us even gotten ourselves sunburns! Thanks a lot to those who saw the facebook event and decided to come drop by to support the carwash! :)
Some random picture from college on Friday. :)
Their eyes closes when you place them nose to nose! :)
Data Management with the super complicated formulas.
Vanessa’s still trying to get it. :)
Then it was time for Eng4U… :)
Waiting outside before class starts.
We had to do graffiti on the Life of Pi novel. It was really just scribbling ideas of what we thought was related to the word on the piece of paper.
Hussein’s so called cute version of richard parker..
before he coloured that in and just had the head drawn.
I actually asked him “Why are you drawing a rabbit?”
Following pictures are taken by Nikolai – failed camwhorer. :)
Camera’s back to me. :)
Rebekah :"You look like a rapist/murderer”
Thanks matt for sending me home after classes. :)
Driving test on Monday.. Freaking out!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Like pieces of puzzles, nobody really gets the whole of me. I spread myself out so different people gets to know a different piece of my life. Unless these people decides to sit together and put the pieces together, no one will truly know the whole picture.
It’s self defense mechanism kicking in. When no one knows the whole picture, they cannot tear it apart because they do not understand it.
You’re pretty special if you managed to get a piece of my heart.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sometimes when I’m reading a sad story, I tend to let myself get too emotional about it. Tears would flow down my cheeks before I realize it. Those tears, were they shed for the character in the story or were the shed cause I had somehow managed to relate it to me?
Friday, August 6, 2010
Taylor Swift’s Love Letter :)
TELL ME WHY every time I see those BEAUTIFUL EYES I see SPARKS FLY and everything CHANGEs. I'm feel like MISS INVISIBLE cause you're just so UNTOUCHABLE. I still believe that WE BELONG TOGETHER because this is our LOVE STORY. I just can't BREATHE even if you're on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR cause TODAY WAS A FAIRYTALE and I can conclude this as THE BEST DAY of my life.
I just want you to be MINE FOREVER AND ALWAYS. Cause you're my SUPERSTAR and with you around I feel FEARLESS, I feel FIFTEEN again. I feel CRAZIER by the minute and just want to JUMP AND FALL into you. You’re my knight on a WHITE HORSE. - ♥Weekly Update
Haha, with my super busy schedule I guess I can only manage one good post a week. This is written from the brain not the heart so I promise no insights. Olivia Ong’s version of Killing Me Softly is freaking nice. :)
I’ve been lucky enough to be selected to join the school’s musical production under stage management. :) Not to mention I’m lucky enough to get the musical number where they are doing a MJ Medley! How cool is that? :)
Haven’t been baking for too long. Decided to break into those over mitts again. :) Not that much of a different, I swear they taste better than they used to. Not too sweet, just right. Found a cookie and cream recipe off the Cupcakes book a couple of them gave me last birthday. Finally manage to put it to good use. :)
I just love these electronic mixers. Makes the cupcakes way fluffier and less work for me. :)
Cupcake mixture with bits of Oreos in them. :) The batter tastes so darn good. :)
Oreo cookies! They are just so delicious without the cream. :) I like my cookies without the cream in the middle, the cream just makes it taste so sweet. XP
I didn’t mark them with a B but I did pop them in the oven. *pat a cake rhyme..*
Then I decided to have fun with my camera since it has been so long since I used it. :)
not a very nice shot but I like the effect. How it illuminates everything else. :)
Love…. <3