Monday, October 29, 2007

I dun like picking up your mess

Dun give me promises you can't make
If you're doing somthing
make sure you're committed
Don't always leave me to pick up
your shit!!
I have things to do to
that's why you've been assigned of this particular

If I had to do it all
why not just give me your fucking post
Dun keep telling me
don't worry don't worry
and then pull out at the last minute and tell me you can't do it

I seriously do not need a problem like you right now
It's not like i don not have anything better to do
yes yes... i am in charge right..
but that doesn't mean i have to do everything

Damn you!!
Efff you!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

New feature?

Just one question...

Does blogger have a new feature
that it keeps the old blog links?

If you don't understand
Check my old blog url

then you'll know..

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Laughing is NOT a crime

Laughing is not a crime
Sue me if you want to
but laughing is not a crime

The game mafia rawks!!
and you've to give it to yi may
her story telling skills rawks!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

What's the point?

It's so BORING in school
There's nothing to do
They lock you up in the dewan
let you out for recess
then come back in the dewan again

They showed the movie
what's the name again?
I only know got crocodile one
You can barely see the faces of the people
from my angle
so we played this game
You shout out one random thing
ur fren thinks of something related to it
see if they have muo qi


We were bored...

Others had fun playing scrabbles
upwords, monopoly

Should I go tmr arr?
Very boring leh...

I may seemed fast but I am not

I am not fast in my log book at all
Considering the fact that
when I am doing logbook
I am actually online chatting
talking on the phone
watching TV

So how fast do you think I am doing it?

Hmm.. it's raining really heavily now
and I can't really sleep
The thunder is really really scary
It's sounds like it's the end of the world
No joking!
I jumped when the last thunder striked
it was loud
It's damn scary...


Whole new look.....

Does it suit me?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Happy Belated Birthday

*jeng jeng*

I know how much you hate this picture
this is the only picture I have of you

You're one year older!!

Another word

and I am going to die!!
I cant continue writing liao larrr
and I can't even type properly liao
So if got typo...
Please forgive me

I am BORED to death
Nothing new larr
except the fact that
my mum is going to open a shop with my godma
next year in ou
manicure & pedicure shop
and I have to work there during the hols
Me, Lynnette Oon will be at ur FEET
Oh gawd...
Later got heong gong geok then I die!!

As I am typing
I just saw my cousin brother trip on the stairs and fell
the thing was
his "little brother" hit the edge of the stairs
And then he began clutching it and crying

I know I am bad
but it was just so freaking funny I can't stop
His painful expression damn cute
Okay.. I am done..
He is still crying though

go continue doing my logbook


Though I only passed 3 tests today
but it was cool

I wanted to pass my usaha knots
Miss was like

"You form 2 arr?"
"No miss. I am form 3."
"Now only you passing ur usaha?"
*gives sheepish grin*

Nearly screwed up and mengibarkan bendera test
I nearly laughed when I was passing the flag to Peck
I am sorry larr... It's like so hard not to laugh when
you see her on the verge of laughing too...

I am so happy to say that I only have 2 more usaha tests!!
Yan Leng... aren't you just soooo proud of me??

Oh ya
An aunty came when we were talking
and ask us if we wanted to walk her dog
Aik lynn was interested but she had to work
It was 5 bucks for one time
So aik lynn ask me to do it on saturday
and she will do it on sunday
I was like..
NO way man, have to pick up poop
and I dun even walk my own dog.
I noe I very wth
but... I dun like dogs.
So Aik lynn's sister got toh lok sui instead

Gtg continue with all the log books... XP

When there's a will, there's a way!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Test Session

Yippee dee doo dah
Yipee dee day

I pass 5 more jaya test today
left 6/7 more to go
and I am done with jaya

but I have 28 more maju and usaha tests
not to mention the mini badges

I reallly hope I can finish everything in time

So.. wish me luck..
pray for me
or whatever it's that you do
to help me pass my tests


Look at this convo
"What Malaysia's National Flower?"
"Are you sure?"
"No.. wait.. Sorry miss. It's Hibiscus"
"No larr miss.. correct what...It's Rafflesia."
The one in Italic is ur very smart
Lee Horng Qing
Oh ya...
One thing more
Did you know?
Korea uses Hibiscus as their national flower...
Well.. maybe u do
but I didn't!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Remember this

The word is CREAMER
say it with me
cream-er.. creeeaamm - errr

creamer ain't sugar
Break down the word
It's cream... and er
I just makes your coffee creamier
It's not a crime to like a creamy coffee right?

Yeah.. yeah..
I used about 8 packets of them
They're just like milk
What's the big deal??
Stop saying it's sugar..

It's Creamer!!!
New word learnt today uh folks..
Have I got my msg across?

Regrets Regrets Regrets

I think I am starting to regret the changing hairstyle thingamajig
Seems like everywhere I turn
People have this hairstyle

Hmm... Maybe I should take keyao's suggestion..
and go for the hair extension thingy thingy
And it feels kinda weird now
Not having all that hair

Its like when you're sitting on the chair
and the hair stylist is
cuttingchooping off your hair
You can just feel the hair falling off
Looking down on the floor
Staring at that whole pile of hair


Damn depressing...
I wish I could turn back time and stop myself from cutting it
I can't turn back time
I already did it

I shall have to live with this hair
till year 2008 when my hair finally grow back

and that will take a long long time


First word that came out ofyour mouth this morning?
[Off] the light larr... Gimme another five minutes.. [tired marr]

What is your mom's middle name?.
she doesnt have one.

Dad or mom. Who do you like better?.

Dad or mom. Who is more annoying?.

When do you usually sleep?.
Anytime I feel sleepy..

How tall would you like to be?
At least 5 cm taller...

When you are using the computer,where do you place your feet?.
Ermm... It remains attach to my leg..

Do you brush your teeth?.
Of course Larr!

When you see people running around the mall with donation boxes, whatwould you do?
If I haven't already spent all my money.. I might as well donate... XD

Have you thought of dieting recently?

Do you like to wear white t-shirts in the summer?

What kind of people do you dislike?
I dunno... Haven't thought of it.. When I dislike I dislike...

Do you like people easily?
I think so..

Do you always think that someone likes you?
I am not that perasanted...

Who do you miss right at this moment?
Hmmm... My GodBro...

Day or Night?

When do you want to get married?
Well.. I will let nature take it's course

If you can go back to the past,when and where would you choose to go?
I would go back to.... Erm... Hmm.... I will get back to you later...

Have you ever hit someone's chin?
By accident... hehe..

Where are all your friends?
In their beds snoring away like a pig?? XP

Do you like friends asking you to go out or you like asking them to go out?

Do you have any siblings?
One annoying little sister..

What radio channel do you like listening to?

Have you ever tried making prank calls?
Yupz.. but I will never do it again.. XD

On Valentine's Day, would you go and buy chocolate for your friends?
WHy not?

When you see your boyfriend/girlfriend hugging another guy/girl, what would you do?
Do what every normal person would do..

Some one swears at you, what would you do?
Glare at them then swear back lorr...

When you get into a fight with a friend, who apologize first?

Where would you go for countdownon New Year's Eve?

Which beach do you like to go to?

Dream destination?
Paris with unlimited money to spend

Has anyone ever told you that you look like someone?

Are you still in contact with people from high school?
I'm still in high school.

- Harpreet
- Neeraj
- Pauline
- Yan Leng
- Hazelll

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Stress Stress Stress

Everything is started to sink in
There's so many things to do
Yet so little time

Log Books
  1. Jurumasak
  2. Ahli Perhubungan
  3. Ahli Perkhemahan
  4. Perputakawaan
  5. Ahli Komuniti
  6. Ahli Ilmu Perintis
  7. Tukang Masak
  8. and many many more that I just can't remember...

Test Session

Must must must go so that I can pass pass pass!!!

Leo Party

I know I should not be worried but...

from the scout mag experience....

What if we don't have enough money?

from the other experiences

What if we don't have enough food?

What if gang fight happens?

WHat if... They're many what ifs...


One big big detail...

I am sick....

the whole package..

the flu cough block nose... U know the usual larr...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day

About the enviroment...

Haihzz.. Isn't it depressing to see the weather getting hotter and hotter every single day?
Yeah.. U can definately just reach out for the remote control
Press the button and instant coolness
Just by doing that.
You have just indirectly caused the increase of tempreture on earth.
Yeah yeah.. I do that too at times.
Of course what's running through my head is
"Well, one little air cond can't make much difference right?"
But if a hundred of people thought the same way
It would be a big amount wouldn't it?

Or.. How many of you have never thrown rubbish out the car window?
Once counts...
Or even looking at your friends & family do that..
That counts too.
It's not like if you don't throw the rubbish at that moment
the rubbish will disappear into thin air right? *I hope so..*

If they could..
We wouldn't have a mountain load of rubbish

Take a look in the next drain you walk by
the ones by the roadside
aren't they just clogged up with rubbish?
That's the reason for all the flash floods
U could maybe lose a few calories by walking to the nearest rubbish bin and throwing that piece of whatever rubbish you were holding...

Well... I am done...
And I am proud to say that I am not sitting in an air conditioned room now
Just living by a fan..
What about you??
Isn't it time you did a little somthing for mother earth??

This sounds like an cheesy advertisement...

I did it!!!

I did it..
I change my hairstyle yet again

I walked into the shop
*whispers* the guys there look damn cute...

Okay.. Back to my hair
I sat down and the hair stylist asked me what hairstyle would I like
I shrugged so he suggested a style
He said my hair is was suitable
for the japanese type layered hair..
I was in doubt..

I suggested the bob short hair..
He said it could work too

So after a few kinutes of hard thinking
I decided to go with
_____________ hairstyle

whether the _________ hairstyle
suits me or not..
U can decide when u see me.. XD

Friday, October 12, 2007



Yan leng, bet u are glad to know that
this girl here has finally came to her senses
and decided to accept the cruel fact
and start completing her log books
and taking all the tests

Aren't you just so proud of me??

I will be away from tonight till monday
So no new post till either monday or tuesday
Where'll I be?
I'll be rotting in Melaka.

I'll be completing my log books in Melaka..

So long! Gtg pack liao..


First u tell me my blog is rated 17years and above
Now u are telling me my name is liddat????!!!

nette --

A dance involving little to no clothing
'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

OMG!! Gosh...

People and craze for short


I am one of them

My plan was to cut my hair short.. Too
It was to have a new look..
but now..
Everyone is having short hair
If I cut.. I think will be the short short one....
The stylish short one...

Should I?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Canon you suck!!

Never never ever buy canon printer
cause they suck suck suck suck suck
they every 5 minutes paper jammed larr..
or not catridge jammed larr..
No ink they won't tell you no ink
they say catridge jammed...

Stupid larr...

Me and Yi may spent the whole day fixing the freaking printer..
Wasted our whole day only

The only good thing was
we were in an air conditioned room
the bad thing was...
well... everything else... XD

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Usaha Camp

The thing I have been looking forward to..
To become urus setia..
But I can't go..
Because I don't have my maju badge

and from what i heard..
U will be kicked out next year if u don't have your maju by next year..
Is this going to be my last year in scouts??

Never go to Neway!!

Oh my gawd!!
I never knew neway could be so so so freaking expensive..
so what..
they have special rate, 10%discount
but do you know..
their snacks cost RM27??!!
Not to mention the freaking service charges
It cost RM 10.90!!!!
And and and and.. the gov tax is RM5.90
It's damn freaking cheating wei...

Everything plus together we have to pay RM29
Summore right.. their normal coffee
Just a norma Coffee cost RM 12!!
Can u believe that??
3 more bucks saya boleh minum starbucks punya lorr..
Summore cheaper..
BTw... Their coke is also RM12 per cup..

Well, we had our fun doing revenge
by wasting their tissues, stepping on the chairs, oiling their stuffs*ahem ahem* dirtying their assets
haha... acually when we saw the service charges
I wanted to smear tomato sauce all over the chairs
Make it worth my money what...
Maybe next time should work at neway
Can earn so much.. Summore so many ppl sing everyday..

Saw them working in McD today..
They look so freaking cute..
My first reaction was LAUGH!!

I bought 2 original DVD today
one litre of tears and secret
and also present for serena
[High School Musical 2 CD]

Nevermind.. it's for a GOOD CAUSE

ta ta for now!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Lim Yi May

Dedicate this post to her
She is so nice and I feel so sorry
for letting her cough up that a amount of money
for the hall rental deposit...
Thank you so much!!!!!


Scroll down to the end of the page

Check out the rating there..

I can't believe it.. How can it be?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

We've got to work work work this out

We'll make things right; the sun will shine.
If we work, work,there'll be no doubt.

Have to start with the planning of the halloween party already.
Can't believe there;s only a month to do so
Thank gawd I already have a good group of committee..
XD *polishing shoe*
I hope this event will really turn out good
Please come for the party!!!
Go ask ur everybody
Gurlfriends boyfriends sisters brothers cousins best friends enemies granma grandpa mum dad auntie uncles school mates dog cat even ur TREE...
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now

What time is it?
The time of our lives..

What time is it?
Party time
That's right, say it loud

Finally freedom's here
Good to be chiilin' out
I'm off the clock
The pressures out
Now my blog's what it's all about

Ready for some sunshine
For my blog to have a change
I'm here to stay
Not movin' away
Ready for a big surprise

Everybody ready,
going crazy,
Yeah we're out
Come on and let me hear you
say it now, right now


Thursday, October 4, 2007

One last one

Last paper!!
Just one last paper!!
Why does it have to be GEO?

Fuck the fucking paper!

Pada 5 Oktober 2007 tepat pukul 9.30 pagi. Tarikh Sejarah yang tidak dicatat dalam buku teks. Bagi semua penduduk tingkatan 3, bendera penjajahan PMR akan diturunkan. Ini bermaknakami telah berjaya memperoleh kebebasan. Darurat "duduk rumah study" akan dibubarkan. Perjuangan bermati-matian Penduduk Tingkatan 3 sentiasa dihargai. Untuk sekarang, mari kita melaksanakan perjuangan yang terakhir demi peperangan PMR!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

2 Days left

3 more subjects
I hate chinese!!
I bet she has everything
that I have to live without

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

3 days more

3 days more
6 more subjects
I screwed the novel part
First time I do english until
I really felt like crying..
Wait.. I did..

Monday, October 1, 2007

4 more days

1 subject is over
my life is also over

If I cut my hair
If I change my clothes
would you notice me?